Andras Gyorgy
Andras Gyorgy is an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Bioengineering at New York University Abu Dhabi. Prior to joining, he earned a PhD in Electrical Engineering from MIT and a MS in both Electrical and Biomedical Engineering from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
Research in his Quantitative Synthetic Biology and Network Dynamics lab focuses on the rational design of complex genetic circuits by combining wetlab experiments with modeling. Current projects target inducible plasmid copy number control, evolvability and evolutionary robustness, and designing biomolecular optimizer modules.
Competition and evolutionary selection among core regulatory motifs in gene expression control
Andras Gyorgy
Nature Communications (2023)
A blueprint for a synthetic genetic feedback optimizer
Andras Gyorgy, Amor Menezes, Murat Arcak
Nature Communications (2023)
Inducible plasmid copy number control for synthetic biology in commonly used E. coli strains
Shivang Hina-Nilesh Joshi, Chentao Yong, Andras Gyorgy
Nature Communications (2022)